Source code for

Circle object for MathApp applications

from math import sqrt
from ggame.mathapp import MathApp, _MathVisual
from ggame.asset import CircleAsset, PolygonAsset, Color

[docs] class Circle(_MathVisual): """ Create a circle on the screen. This is a subclass of :class:`~ggame.sprite.Sprite` and :class:`~ggame.mathapp._MathVisual` but most of the inherited members are of little use and are not shown in the documentation. :param \\*args: See below :param \\**kwargs: See below :Required Arguments: * **pos** (*tuple(float,float)*) Center point of the circle, which may be a literal tuple of floats, or a reference to any object or function that returns or evaluates to a tuple of floats. * **radius** [float or Point] Radius of the circle (logical units) or a :class:`~ggame.point.Point` on the circle. :Optional Keyword Arguments: * **positioning** (*str*) One of 'logical' or 'physical' * **style** (*LineStyle*) Valid :class:`~ggame.asset.LineStyle` object * **color** (*Color*) Valid :class:`~ggame.color.Color` object` Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ """ _posinputsdef = ["pos"] _nonposinputsdef = ["radius"] _defaultcolor = Color(0, 0) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__( CircleAsset(0, self._defaultstyle, self._defaultcolor), *args, **kwargs ) self.touchAsset() self.fxcenter = self.fycenter = 0.5 def _buildAsset(self): pcenter = self._spposinputs.pos try: pradius = ( MathApp.distance(self._posinputs.pos(), self._nposinputs.radius()) * MathApp.scale ) except (AttributeError, TypeError): # pylint: disable=no-member pradius = self._nposinputs.radius() * MathApp.scale # pylint: enable=no-member style = fill = self._stdinputs.color() ymax = pcenter[1] + pradius ymin = pcenter[1] - pradius xmax = pcenter[0] + pradius xmin = pcenter[0] - pradius try: if ymin > MathApp.height or ymax < 0 or xmax < 0 or xmin > MathApp.width: return CircleAsset(pradius, style, fill) if pradius > 2 * MathApp.width: # here begins unpleasant hack to overcome crappy circles poly = self._buildPolygon(pcenter, pradius) if poly: passet = PolygonAsset(poly, style, fill) return passet except AttributeError: return CircleAsset(pradius, style, fill) return CircleAsset(pradius, style, fill) def _buildPolygon(self, pcenter, pradius): """ pcenter is in screen relative coordinates. returns a coordinate list in circle relative coordinates """ xcepts = [ self._findIntercepts(pcenter, pradius, 0, 0, 0, MathApp.height), self._findIntercepts(pcenter, pradius, 0, 0, MathApp.width, 0), self._findIntercepts( pcenter, pradius, MathApp.width, 0, MathApp.width, MathApp.height ), self._findIntercepts( pcenter, pradius, 0, MathApp.height, MathApp.width, MathApp.height ), ] ilist = [] for x in xcepts: if x and len(x) < 2: ilist.extend(x) # ilist is a list of boundary intercepts that are screen-relative if len(ilist) > 1: xrange = ilist[-1][0] - ilist[0][0] yrange = ilist[-1][1] - ilist[0][1] numpoints = 20 inx = 0 for i in range(numpoints): icepts = self._findIntercepts( pcenter, pradius, pcenter[0], pcenter[1], ilist[0][0] + xrange * (i + 1) / (numpoints + 1), ilist[0][1] + yrange * (i + 1) / (numpoints + 1), ) if icepts: ilist.insert(inx + 1, icepts[0]) inx = inx + 1 self._addBoundaryVertices(ilist) ilist.append(ilist[0]) ilist = [(i[0] - pcenter[0], i[1] - pcenter[1]) for i in ilist] return ilist def _addBoundaryVertices(self, plist): """ Sides 0=top, 1=right, 2=bottom, 3=left """ # figure out rotation in point sequence cw = 0 try: rtst = plist[0:3] + [plist[0]] for p in range(3): cw = cw + (rtst[p + 1][0] - rtst[p][0]) * (rtst[p + 1][1] + rtst[p][1]) except IndexError: # print(plist) return cw = self._sgn(cw) cw = 1 if cw < 0 else 0 vertices = ( (-100, -100), (MathApp.width + 100, -100), (MathApp.width + 100, MathApp.height + 100), (-100, MathApp.height + 100), ) nextvertex = [ (vertices[0], vertices[1]), (vertices[1], vertices[2]), (vertices[2], vertices[3]), (vertices[3], vertices[0]), ] nextsides = [(3, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 0)] edges = ((None, 0), (MathApp.width, None), (None, MathApp.height), (0, None)) endside = startside = None for side in range(4): if endside is None and ( edges[side][0] == round(plist[-1][0]) or edges[side][1] == round(plist[-1][1]) ): endside = side if startside is None and ( edges[side][0] == round(plist[0][0]) or edges[side][1] == round(plist[0][1]) ): startside = side iterations = 0 while startside != endside: iterations = iterations + 1 if iterations > 20: break if ( endside is not None and startside is not None ): # and endside != startside plist.append(nextvertex[endside][cw]) endside = nextsides[endside][cw] @staticmethod def _sgn(x): return 1 if x >= 0 else -1 def _findIntercepts(self, c, r, x1, y1, x2, y2): """ c (center) and x and y values are physical, screen relative. function returns coordinates in screen relative format """ def getcoords(x, y): if 0 <= x <= MathApp.width and 0 <= y <= MathApp.height: return [(x, y)] return [] x1n = x1 - c[0] x2n = x2 - c[0] y1n = y1 - c[1] y2n = y2 - c[1] dx = x2n - x1n dy = y2n - y1n dr = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) d = x1n * y2n - x2n * y1n disc = r * r * dr * dr - d * d dr2 = dr * dr if disc <= 0: # less than two solutions return [] sdisc = sqrt(disc) x = [ (d * dy + self._sgn(dy) * dx * sdisc) / dr2 + c[0], (d * dy - self._sgn(dy) * dx * sdisc) / dr2 + c[0], ] y = [ (-d * dx + abs(dy) * sdisc) / dr2 + c[1], (-d * dx - abs(dy) * sdisc) / dr2 + c[1], ] res = getcoords(x[0], y[0]) res.extend(getcoords(x[1], y[1])) return res @property def center(self): """ An ordered pair (x,y) or :class:`~ggame.point.Point` that represents the (logical) circle center. This attribute is only get-able. """ # pylint: disable=no-member return self._posinputs.pos() # pylint: enable=no-member @property def radius(self): """ A **float** that represents the radius of the circle. This attribugte is only get-able. """ # pylint: disable=no-member return self._nposinputs.radius() # pylint: enable=no-member
[docs] def step(self): self.touchAsset()
[docs] def physicalPointTouching(self, ppos): r = MathApp.distance(self._spposinputs.pos(), ppos) # pylint: disable=no-member pradius = self._nposinputs.radius() * MathApp.scale # pylint: enable=no-member style = inner = pradius - style.width / 2 outer = pradius + style.width / 2 return inner <= r <= outer
[docs] def translate(self, pdisp): pass