Source code for ggame.input

MathApp input classes for accepting user numeric and pushbutton input.

from ggame.label import Label
from ggame.asset import TextAsset
from ggame.mathapp import MathApp

[docs] class InputNumeric(Label): """ Create a :class:`~ggame.label.Label` that can be selected to accept new **numeric** input from the keyboard. This is a subclass of :class:`~ggame.sprite.Sprite` and :class:`~ggame.mathapp._MathVisual` but most of the inherited members are of little use and are not shown in the documentation. :param tuple(float,float) pos: Screen position of the control, which may be a literal tuple of floats, or a reference to any object or function that returns or evaluates to a tuple of floats. :param float val: Initial value of the input text :param \\**kwargs: See below :Optional Keyword Arguments: * **fmt** (*str*) a Python format string (default is {0:.2f}) * **positioning** (*str*) One of 'logical' or 'physical' * **size** (*int*) Size of text font (in pixels) * **width** (*int*) Width of the label (in pixels) * **color** (*Color*) Valid :class:`~ggame.asset.Color` object Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ """ def __init__(self, pos, val, **kwargs): self._fmt = kwargs.get("fmt", "{0:.2f}") self._val = self.eval(val)() # initialize to simple numeric self._savedval = self._val self._text = "" self._updateText() super().__init__(pos, self._textValue, **kwargs) self.selectable = True def _textValue(self): return self._text() def _updateText(self, editing=False): if editing: self._text = self.eval(f"{self._val}") else: self._text = self.eval(self._fmt.format(self._val))
[docs] def processEvent(self, event): if event.key in "0123456789insertdelete": key = event.key if event.key == "insert": key = "-" elif event.key == "delete": key = "." if self._text() == "0": self._text = self.eval("") self._text = self.eval(self._text() + key) self.touchAsset() elif event.key in ["enter", "escape"]: if event.key == "enter": try: self._val = float(self._text()) except ValueError: self._val = self._savedval self._savedval = self._val self.unselect()
[docs] def select(self): super().select() self._savedval = self._val self._val = 0 self._updateText(True) self.touchAsset() MathApp.listenKeyEvent("keypress", "*", self.processEvent)
[docs] def unselect(self): super().unselect() self._val = self._savedval self._updateText() self.touchAsset() try: MathApp.unlistenKeyEvent("keypress", "*", self.processEvent) except ValueError: pass
def __call__(self): return self._val
[docs] class InputButton(Label): """ Create a :class:`~ggame.label.Label` that can be clicked with a mouse to execute a user-defined function. This is a subclass of :class:`~ggame.sprite.Sprite` and :class:`~ggame.mathapp._MathVisual` but most of the inherited members are of little use and are not shown in the documentation. :param function callback: A reference to a function to execute, passing this button object, when the button is clicked :param tuple(float,float) pos: Screen position of the control, which may be a literal tuple of floats, or a reference to any object or function that returns or evaluates to a tuple of floats. :param float val: Initial value of the input text :param \\*args: See below :param \\**kwargs: See below :Required Arguments: * **pos** (*tuple(float,float)*) Screen position of the button, which may be a literal tuple of floats, or a reference to any object or function that returns or evaluates to a tuple of floats. * **text** (*str*) Text to appear in the button. This may be a literal string or a reference to any object or function that returns or evaluates to a string. :Optional Keyword Arguments: * **positioning** (*str*) One of 'logical' or 'physical' * **size** (*int*) Size of text font (in pixels) * **width** (*int*) Width of the label (in pixels) * **color** (*Color*) Valid :class:`~ggame.asset.Color` object Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ """ def __init__(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): """ Required Inputs * **pos** position of button * **text** text of button * **callback** reference of a function to execute, passing this button object """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.touchAsset() self._callback = callback self.selectable = True def _buildAsset(self): return TextAsset( self._nposinputs.text(), # pylint: disable=no-member style=f"bold {self._stdinputs.size()}px Courier", width=self._stdinputs.width(), fill=self._stdinputs.color(), )
[docs] def select(self): super().select() if self._callback: self._callback(self) self.unselect()