Source code for ggame.inputpoint

MathApp GUI input pushbutton and toggle controls.

from ggame.point import ImagePoint
from ggame.asset import Frame

[docs] class InputImageButton(ImagePoint): """ :class:`~ggame.point.ImagePoint` object that uses an image as its on-screen and activates a callback function when pressed. :Required Arguments: :param str url: Location of an image file (png, jpg) :param function callback: Reference to a function to execute, passing this button object. :param \\*args: See below :param \\**kwargs: See below :Required Arguments: * **pos** (*tuple(float,float)*) Position in physical or logical units. :Optional Keyword Arguments: * **positioning** (*str*) One of 'logical' (default) or 'physical' * **frame** (*Frame*) The sub-frame location of image within the image file * **qty** (*int*) The number of sub-frames, when used as a sprite sheet * **direction** (*str*) One of 'horizontal' (default) or 'vertical' * **margin** (*int*) Pixels between sub-frames if sprite sheet Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ """ def __init__(self, url, callback, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(url, *args, **kwargs) = (0, 0) self._callback = callback self.selectable = True self.firstImage() self.mousewasdown = self.mouseisdown
[docs] def select(self): super().select() if self._callback: self._callback(self) self.unselect()
def __call__(self): # code for controlling the button image state only works if the # button state is being monitored! if self.mouseisdown != self.mousewasdown: if self.mouseisdown: self.nextImage() else: self.firstImage() self.mousewasdown = self.mouseisdown return self.mouseisdown
[docs] class InputImageToggle(ImagePoint): """ Spritesheet-based input control that toggles through a set of states with each mouseclick. :Required Inputs: :param str url: Location of image file consisting of a multi-image sprite sheet. :param list statelist: List of values to correspond with toggle states. :param int initindex: Index to initial toggle state. :param (float,float) pos: Position in physical or logical units. May be a :class:`ggame.point.Point` instance, a literal (x,y) pair, or a function that returns an (x,y) pair. :param \\**kwargs: See below :Optional Keyword Arguments: * **positioning** (*str*) One of 'logical' (default) or 'physical' * **frame** (*:class:`ggame.asset.Frame`*) Sub-frame location of sub-image within the main image. * **direction** (*str*) One of 'horizontal' (default) or 'vertical'. * **margin** (*int*) Number of pixels between sub-frames if sprite sheet. """ def __init__(self, url, statelist, initindex, *args, **kwargs): self.statelist = statelist kwargs.setdefault("qty", len(statelist)) super().__init__(url, *args, **kwargs) = (0, 0) self.selectable = True self.togglestate = initindex self.setImage(self.togglestate)
[docs] def select(self): super().select() self.togglestate += 1 if self.togglestate == len(self.statelist): self.togglestate = 0 self.setImage(self.togglestate) self.unselect()
def __call__(self): return self.statelist[self.togglestate]
[docs] class MetalToggle(InputImageToggle): """ Metal toggle input control that toggles through two states with each mouseclick. :Required Inputs: :param int initindex: Index to initial toggle state (0 or 1). :param (float,float) pos: Position in physical or logical units. May be a :class:`ggame.point.Point` instance, a literal (x,y) pair, or a function that returns an (x,y) pair. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ """ def __init__(self, initindex, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("frame", Frame(0, 0, 110, 150)) super().__init__( self.getImagePath("toggle-up-down.png"), [True, False], initindex, *args, **kwargs ) self.scale = 0.4
[docs] class GlassButton(InputImageButton): """ Glass button input control that triggers a callback when clicked. :Required Inputs: :param function callback: Reference to a function to execute, passing this button object as an argument. :param (float,float) pos: Position in physical or logical units. May be a :class:`ggame.point.Point` instance, a literal (x,y) pair, or a function that returns an (x,y) pair. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ """ def __init__(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("frame", Frame(0, 0, 100, 100)) kwargs.setdefault("qty", 2) super().__init__( self.getImagePath("button-round.png"), callback, *args, **kwargs ) self.scale = 0.3