Source code for ggame.mathapp

These mathematics and geometry extensions subclass the :class:``
and :class:`~ggame.sprite.Sprite` classes to create a framework for building
apps that mimic some of the functionality of online math tools like Geogebra.

This :mod:`~ggame.mathapp` module implements base classes for
:class:`~ggame.sprite.Sprite`-based classes defined in this module.

These extensions are very experimental and are not fully developed!

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from time import time
from math import sqrt
from collections import namedtuple
from ggame.sprite import Sprite
from ggame.asset import Color, LineStyle, ImageAsset
from import App

[docs] class MathApp(App): """ MathApp is a subclass of the ggame :class:`` class. It incorporates the following extensions: * Support for zooming the display using the mouse wheel * Support for click-dragging the display using the mouse button * Automatic execution of step functions in all objects and sprites sub-classed from :class:`_MathDynamic`. :param float scale: Optional parameter sets the initial scale of the display in units of pixels per logical unit. The default is 200. :returns: MathApp instance """ _DEFAULTSCALE = 200 scale = _DEFAULTSCALE # pixels per unit _xcenter = 0 # center of screen in units _ycenter = 0 _mathVisualList = [] _mathDynamicList = [] _mathMovableList = [] _mathSelectableList = [] _mathStrokableList = [] _viewNotificationList = [] time = 0 def __init__(self, scale=_DEFAULTSCALE): MathApp.time = 0 self._starttime = time() super().__init__() MathApp.scale = scale # pixels per unit # register event callbacks self.listenMouseEvent("click", self._handleMouseClick) self.listenMouseEvent("mousedown", self._handleMouseDown) self.listenMouseEvent("mouseup", self._handleMouseUp) self.listenMouseEvent("mousemove", self._handleMouseMove) self.listenMouseEvent("wheel", self._handleMouseWheel) self._mousedown = False self._mouse_captured_object = None self._mouse_stroked_object = None self._mouse_down_object = None self._mouse_x = self._mouse_y = None self._touchAllVisuals() self._selectedobj = None def step(self): """ The step method overrides :func:`` in the :class:`` class, executing step functions in all objects subclassed from :class:`_MathDynamic`. """ MathApp.time = time() - self._starttime for spr in self._mathDynamicList: spr.step() def _touchAllVisuals(self): # touch all visual object assets to use scaling for obj in self._mathVisualList: obj.touchAsset(True)
[docs] @classmethod def logicalToPhysical(cls, lp): """ Transform screen coordinates from logical to physical space. Output depends on the current 'zoom' and 'pan' of the screen. :param tuple(float,float) lp: Logical screen coordinates (x, y) :rtype: tuple(float,float) :returns: Physical screen coordinates (x, y) """ def xxform(xvalue, xscale, xcenter, physwidth): """X transform""" return int((xvalue - xcenter) * xscale + physwidth / 2) def yxform(yvalue, yscale, ycenter, physheight): """Y transform""" return int(physheight / 2 - (yvalue - ycenter) * yscale) try: return ( xxform(lp[0], cls.scale, cls._xcenter,, yxform(lp[1], cls.scale, cls._ycenter,, ) except AttributeError: return lp
[docs] @classmethod def physicalToLogical(cls, pp): """ Transform screen coordinates from physical to logical space. Output depends on the current 'zoom' and 'pan' of the screen. :param tuple(float,float) lp: Physical screen coordinates (x, y) :rtype: tuple(float,float) :returns: Logical screen coordinates (x, y) """ def xxform(xvalue, xscale, xcenter, physwidth): """X transform""" return (xvalue - physwidth / 2) / xscale + xcenter def yxform(yvalue, yscale, ycenter, physheight): """Y transform""" return (physheight / 2 - yvalue) / yscale + ycenter try: return ( xxform(pp[0], cls.scale, cls._xcenter,, yxform(pp[1], cls.scale, cls._ycenter,, ) except AttributeError: return pp
[docs] @classmethod def translateLogicalToPhysical(cls, pp): """ Transform screen translation from logical to physical space. Output only depends on the current 'zoom' of the screen. :param tuple(float,float) lp: Logical screen translation pair (delta x, delta y) :rtype: tuple(float,float) :returns: Physical screen translation ordered pair (delta x, delta y) """ def xxform(xvalue, xscale): """X transform""" return xvalue * xscale def yxform(yvalue, yscale): """Y transform""" return -yvalue * yscale try: return (xxform(pp[0], cls.scale), yxform(pp[1], cls.scale)) except AttributeError: return pp
[docs] @classmethod def translatePhysicalToLogical(cls, pp): """ Transform screen translation from physical to logical space. Output only depends on the current 'zoom' of the screen. :param tuple(float,float) lp: Physical screen translation pair (delta x, delta y) :rtype: tuple(float,float) :returns: Logical screen translation ordered pair (delta x, delta y) """ def xxform(xvalue, xscale): """X transform""" return xvalue / xscale def yxform(yvalue, yscale): """Y transform""" return -yvalue / yscale try: return (xxform(pp[0], cls.scale), yxform(pp[1], cls.scale)) except AttributeError: return pp
def _handleMouseClick(self, event): found = False for obj in self._mathSelectableList: if obj.physicalPointTouching((event.x, event.y)): found = True if not obj.selected: self._selectedobj = obj if not found and self._selectedobj: self._selectedobj.unselect() self._selectedobj = None def _handleMouseDown(self, event): self._mousedown = True self._mouse_captured_object = None self._mouse_stroked_object = None for obj in self._mathSelectableList: if obj.physicalPointTouching((event.x, event.y)): obj.mousedown() self._mouse_down_object = obj break for obj in self._mathMovableList: if obj.physicalPointTouching((event.x, event.y)) and not ( obj.strokable and obj.canstroke((event.x, event.y)) ): self._mouse_captured_object = obj break if not self._mouse_captured_object: for obj in self._mathStrokableList: if obj.canstroke((event.x, event.y)): self._mouse_stroked_object = obj break def _handleMouseUp(self, _event): if self._mouse_down_object: self._mouse_down_object.mouseup() self._mouse_down_object = None self._mousedown = False self._mouse_captured_object = None self._mouse_stroked_object = None def _handleMouseMove(self, event): if not self._mouse_x: self._mouse_x = event.x self._mouse_y = event.y dx = event.x - self._mouse_x dy = event.y - self._mouse_y self._mouse_x = event.x self._mouse_y = event.y if self._mousedown: if self._mouse_captured_object: self._mouse_captured_object.translate((dx, dy)) elif self._mouse_stroked_object: self._mouse_stroked_object.stroke( (self._mouse_x, self._mouse_y), (dx, dy) ) else: lmove = self.translatePhysicalToLogical((dx, dy)) MathApp._xcenter -= lmove[0] MathApp._ycenter -= lmove[1] self._touchAllVisuals() self._viewNotify("translate") def _handleMouseWheel(self, event): zoomfactor = event.wheeldelta / 100 zoomfactor = 1 + zoomfactor if zoomfactor > 0 else 1 + zoomfactor if zoomfactor > 1.2: zoomfactor = 1.2 elif zoomfactor < 0.8: zoomfactor = 0.8 MathApp.scale *= zoomfactor self._touchAllVisuals() self._viewNotify("zoom") @property def view_position(self): """ Attribute is used to get or set the current logical coordinates at the center of the screen as a tuple of floats (x,y). """ return (MathApp._xcenter, MathApp._ycenter) @view_position.setter def view_position(self, pos): MathApp._xcenter, MathApp._ycenter = pos self._touchAllVisuals() self._viewNotify("translate")
[docs] @classmethod def addViewNotification(cls, handler): """ Register a function or method to be called in the event the view position or zoom changes. :param function handler: The function or method to be called :returns: Nothing """ cls._viewNotificationList.append(handler)
[docs] @classmethod def removeViewNotification(cls, handler): """ Remove a function or method from the list of functions to be called in the event of a view position or zoom change. :param function handler: The function or method to be removed :returns: Nothing """ cls._viewNotificationList.remove(handler)
def _viewNotify(self, viewchange): for handler in self._viewNotificationList: handler( viewchange=viewchange, scale=self.scale, center=(self._xcenter, self._ycenter), )
[docs] @classmethod def distance(cls, pos1, pos2): """ Utility for calculating the distance between any two points. :param tuple(float,float) pos1: The first point :param tuple(float,float) pos2: The second point :rtype: float :returns: The distance between the two points (using Pythagoras) """ return sqrt((pos2[0] - pos1[0]) ** 2 + (pos2[1] - pos1[1]) ** 2)
@classmethod def addVisual(cls, obj): """ Add a visual object to the visual object list. :param object obj: The object to add :returns: None """ if isinstance(obj, _MathVisual): cls._mathVisualList.append(obj) @classmethod def removeVisual(cls, obj): """ Remove a visual object from the visual object list. :param object obj: The object to remove :returns: None """ if isinstance(obj, _MathVisual) and obj in cls._mathVisualList: cls._mathVisualList.remove(obj) @classmethod def addDynamic(cls, obj): """ Add a dynamic object to the dynamic object list. :param object obj: The object to add :returns: None """ if isinstance(obj, _MathDynamic) and obj not in cls._mathDynamicList: cls._mathDynamicList.append(obj) @classmethod def removeDynamic(cls, obj): """ Remove a dynamic object from the dynamic object list. :param object obj: The object to remove :returns: None """ if isinstance(obj, _MathDynamic) and obj in cls._mathDynamicList: cls._mathDynamicList.remove(obj) @classmethod def addMovable(cls, obj): """ Add a movable object to the movable object list. :param object obj: The object to add :returns: None """ if isinstance(obj, _MathVisual) and obj not in cls._mathMovableList: cls._mathMovableList.append(obj) @classmethod def removeMovable(cls, obj): """ Remove a movable object from the movable object list. :param object obj: The object to remove :returns: None """ if isinstance(obj, _MathVisual) and obj in cls._mathMovableList: cls._mathMovableList.remove(obj) @classmethod def addSelectable(cls, obj): """ Add a selectable object to the selectable object list. :param object obj: The object to add :returns: None """ if isinstance(obj, _MathVisual) and obj not in cls._mathSelectableList: cls._mathSelectableList.append(obj) @classmethod def removeSelectable(cls, obj): """ Remove a selectable object from the selectable object list. :param object obj: The object to remove :returns: None """ if isinstance(obj, _MathVisual) and obj in cls._mathSelectableList: cls._mathSelectableList.remove(obj) @classmethod def addStrokable(cls, obj): """ Add a strokable object to the strokable object list. :param object obj: The object to add :returns: None """ if isinstance(obj, _MathVisual) and obj not in cls._mathStrokableList: cls._mathStrokableList.append(obj) @classmethod def removeStrokable(cls, obj): """ Remove a strokable object from the strokable object list. :param object obj: The object to remove :returns: None """ if isinstance(obj, _MathVisual) and obj in cls._mathStrokableList: cls._mathStrokableList.remove(obj) @classmethod def destroy(cls): """ This will clean up any class level storage. """ App.destroy() # hit the App class first MathApp.time = 0 MathApp._mathVisualList = [] MathApp._mathDynamicList = [] MathApp._mathMovableList = [] MathApp._mathSelectableList = [] MathApp._mathStrokableList = [] MathApp._viewNotificationList = []
class _MathDynamic(metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self): self._dynamic = False # not switched on, by default! def destroy(self): """ Destroy resources, if any and remove from global lists. """ MathApp.removeDynamic(self) def step(self): """ Override in your child class to perform periodic processing. """ def eval(self, val): """ Evaluate a potentially callable argument, returning a callable object. :param val: A simple variable or function reference that can be called without any argument, returning a value. :rtype: function :returns: A function that can be called to retrieve the value passed in. """ if callable(val): self._setDynamic() # dynamically defined .. must step return val return lambda: val def _setDynamic(self): MathApp.addDynamic(self) self._dynamic = True
[docs] class _MathVisual(Sprite, _MathDynamic, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract Base Class for all visual, potentially dynamic objects. :param Asset asset: A valid ggame asset object. :param list args: A list of required positional or non-positional arguments as named in the _posinputsdef and _nonposinputsdef lists overridden by child classes. :param \\**kwargs: See below :Optional Keyword Arguments: * **positioning** (*string*) One of 'logical' or 'physical' * **size** (*int*) Size of the object (in pixels) * **width** (*int*) Width of the object (in pixels) * **color** (*Color*) Valid :class:`~ggame.asset.Color` object * **style** (*LineStyle*) Valid :class:`~ggame.asset.LineStyle` object """ # a list of names (string) of required positional inputs _posinputsdef = [] # a list of names (string) of required non positional inputs _nonposinputsdef = [] _defaultsize = 15 _defaultwidth = 200 _defaultcolor = Color(0, 1) _defaultstyle = LineStyle(1, Color(0, 1)) def __init__(self, asset, *args, **kwargs): MathApp.addVisual(self) # Sprite.__init__(self, asset, args[0]) _MathDynamic.__init__(self) self._movable = False self._selectable = False self._strokable = False self.selected = False """ True if object is currently selected by the UI. """ self.mouseisdown = False """ True if object is tracking UI mouse button as down. """ self._positioning = kwargs.get("positioning", "logical") # positional inputs self._pi = namedtuple("PI", self._posinputsdef) # nonpositional inputs self._npi = namedtuple("NPI", self._nonposinputsdef) # standard inputs (not positional) standardargs = ["size", "width", "color", "style"] self._si = namedtuple("SI", standardargs) # correct number of args? if len(args) != len(self._posinputsdef) + len(self._nonposinputsdef): raise TypeError("Incorrect number of parameters provided") self._args = args # generated named tuple of functions from positional inputs self._posinputs = self._pi( *[self.eval(p) for p in args][: len(self._posinputsdef)] ) self._getPhysicalInputs() # first positional argument must be a sprite position! Sprite.__init__(self, asset, self._pposinputs[0]) # generated named tuple of functions from nonpositional inputs if self._nonposinputsdef: self._nposinputs = self._npi( *[self.eval(p) for p in args][(-1 * len(self._nonposinputsdef)) :] ) else: self._nposinputs = [] self._stdinputs = self._si( self.eval(kwargs.get("size", self._defaultsize)), self.eval(kwargs.get("width", self._defaultwidth)), self.eval(kwargs.get("color", self._defaultcolor)), self.eval(kwargs.get("style", self._defaultstyle)), ) self._sposinputs = self._pi(*[0] * len(self._posinputs)) self._spposinputs = self._pi(*self._pposinputs) self._snposinputs = self._npi(*[0] * len(self._nposinputs)) self._sstdinputs = self._si(*[0] * len(self._stdinputs))
[docs] def step(self): self.touchAsset()
def _saveInputs(self, inputs): ( self._sposinputs, self._spposinputs, self._snposinputs, self._sstdinputs, ) = inputs def _getInputs(self): self._getPhysicalInputs() return ( self._pi(*[p() for p in self._posinputs]), self._pi(*self._pposinputs), self._npi(*[p() for p in self._nposinputs]), self._si(*[p() for p in self._stdinputs]), ) def _getPhysicalInputs(self): """ Translate all positional inputs to physical """ pplist = [] if self._positioning == "logical": for p in self._posinputs: pval = p() try: pp = MathApp.logicalToPhysical(pval) except AttributeError: pp = MathApp.scale * pval pplist.append(pp) else: # already physical pplist = [p() for p in self._posinputs] self._pposinputs = self._pi(*pplist) def _inputsChanged(self, saved): return ( self._spposinputs != saved[1] or self._snposinputs != saved[2] or self._sstdinputs != saved[3] )
[docs] def destroy(self): MathApp.removeVisual(self) MathApp.removeMovable(self) MathApp.removeStrokable(self) _MathDynamic.destroy(self) Sprite.destroy(self)
def _updateAsset(self, asset): if not isinstance(asset, ImageAsset): visible = self.gfx.visible if is not None: self.gfx.destroy() self.asset = asset self.gfx = self.asset.gfx self.gfx.visible = visible if is not None: if hasattr(self._pposinputs, "pos"): self.position = getattr(self._pposinputs, "pos") @property def positioning(self): """ Whether object was created with 'logical' or 'physical' positioning. """ return self._positioning @positioning.setter def positioning(self, val): pass @property def movable(self): """ Whether object can be moved. Set-able and get-able. """ return self._movable @movable.setter def movable(self, val): if not self._dynamic: self._movable = val if val: MathApp.addMovable(self) else: MathApp.removeMovable(self) @property def selectable(self): """ Whether object can be selected by the UI. Set-able and get-able. """ return self._selectable @selectable.setter def selectable(self, val): self._selectable = val if val: MathApp.addSelectable(self) else: MathApp.removeSelectable(self) @property def strokable(self): """ Whether the object supports a click-drag input from the UI mouse. Set-able and get-able. """ return self._strokable @strokable.setter def strokable(self, val): self._strokable = val if val: MathApp.addStrokable(self) else: MathApp.removeStrokable(self)
[docs] def select(self): """ Place the object in a 'selected' state. :param: None :returns: None """ self.selected = True
[docs] def unselect(self): """ Place the object in an 'unselected' state. :param: None :returns: None """ self.selected = False
[docs] def mousedown(self): """ Inform the object of a 'mouse down' event. :param: None :returns: None """ self.mouseisdown = True
[docs] def mouseup(self): """ Inform the object of a 'mouse up' event. :param: None :returns: None """ self.mouseisdown = False
[docs] def processEvent(self, event): """ Inform the object of a generic ggame event. :param event: The ggame event object to receive and process. :returns: None This method is intended to be overridden. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def physicalPointTouching(self, ppos): """ Determine if a physical point is considered to be touching this object. :param tuple(int,int) ppos: Physical screen coordinates. :rtype: boolean :returns: True if touching, False otherwise. This method **must** be overridden. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def translate(self, pdisp): """ Perform necessary processing in response to being moved by the mouse/UI. :param tuple(int,int) pdisp: Translation vector (x,y) in physical screen units. :returns: None This method **must** be overridden. """
[docs] def stroke(self, ppos, pdisp): """ Perform necessary processing in response to click-drag action by the mouse/UI. :param tuple(int,int) ppos: Physical coordinates of stroke start. :param tuple(int,int) pdisp: Translation vector of stroke action in physical screen units. :returns: None This method is intended to be overridden. """
[docs] def canStroke(self, ppos): """ Can the object respond to beginning a stroke action at the given position. :param tuple(int,int) ppos: Physical coordinates of stroke start. :rtype: Boolean :returns: True if the object can respond, False otherwise. This method is intended to be overridden. """
[docs] def touchAsset(self, force=False): """ Check to see if an asset needs to be updated it and if so (or forced) call the :func:`_updateAsset` method. """ inputs = self._getInputs() changed = self._inputsChanged(inputs) if changed: self._saveInputs(inputs) if changed or force: self._updateAsset(self._buildAsset())
@abstractmethod def _buildAsset(self): pass