Source code for ggame.point

MathApp classes for representing geometric points
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from ggame.mathapp import _MathVisual, MathApp
from ggame.asset import Color, LineStyle, CircleAsset, ImageAsset

[docs] class _Point(_MathVisual, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for all point classes. :param Asset asset: A valid ggame Asset object :param tuple(float,float) pos: The position (physical or logical) """ _posinputsdef = ["pos"] _nonposinputsdef = [] def __init__(self, asset, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(asset, *args, **kwargs) self.touchAsset() = (0.5, 0.5) def __call__(self): return self._posinputs.pos()
[docs] def step(self): """ Perform periodic processing. """ self.touchAsset()
[docs] def physicalPointTouching(self, ppos): """ Determine if a physical point is considered to be touching this point. :param tuple(int,int) ppos: Physical screen coordinates. :rtype: boolean :returns: True if touching, False otherwise. """ return ( MathApp.distance(ppos, self._pposinputs.pos) # pylint: disable=no-member < self._sstdinputs.size )
[docs] def translate(self, pdisp): """ Perform necessary processing in response to being moved by the mouse/UI. :param tuple(int,int) pdisp: Translation vector (x,y) in physical screen units. :returns: None """ ldisp = MathApp.translatePhysicalToLogical(pdisp) pos = self._posinputs.pos() self._posinputs = self._posinputs._replace( pos=self.eval((pos[0] + ldisp[0], pos[1] + ldisp[1])) ) self.touchAsset()
[docs] def distanceTo(self, otherpoint): """ Compute the distance to another :class:`_Point` object. :param _Point otherpoint: A reference to the other :class:`_Point` :rtype: float :returns: The distance (in logical units) to the other point """ try: return MathApp.distance(self(), otherpoint()) except AttributeError: return otherpoint # presumably a scalar - use this distance
@abstractmethod def _buildAsset(self): pass
[docs] class Point(_Point): """ Basic point object representing any point in a geometrical sense. An instantiated Point object is *callable* and will return a tuple with its logical position as an (x,y) pair. :param tuple(float,float) pos: Position in physical or logical units. :param \\**kwargs: See below :Optional Keyword Arguments: * **positioning** (*str*) One of 'logical' (default) or 'physical' * **size** (*int*) Radius of the point (in pixels) * **color** (*Color*) Valid :class:`~ggame.asset.Color` object * **style** (*LineStyle*) Valid :class:`~ggame.asset.LineStyle` object Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ """ _defaultsize = 5 _defaultstyle = LineStyle(0, Color(0, 1)) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__( CircleAsset(self._defaultsize, self._defaultstyle, self._defaultcolor), *args, **kwargs ) def _buildAsset(self): return CircleAsset( self._stdinputs.size(),, self._stdinputs.color() )
[docs] class ImagePoint(_Point): """ :class:`~ggame.point.Point` object that uses an image as its on-screen representation. :param str url: Location of an image file (png, jpg) :param \\*args: See below :param \\**kwargs: See below :Required Arguments: * **pos** (*tuple(float,float)*) Position in physical or logical units. :Optional Keyword Arguments: * **positioning** (*str*) One of 'logical' (default) or 'physical' * **frame** (*Frame*) The sub-frame location of image within the image file * **qty** (*int*) The number of sub-frames, when used as a sprite sheet * **direction** (*str*) One of 'horizontal' (default) or 'vertical' * **margin** (*int*) Pixels between sub-frames if sprite sheet """ def __init__(self, url, *args, **kwargs): frame = kwargs.get("frame", None) qty = kwargs.get("qty", 1) direction = kwargs.get("direction", "horizontal") margin = kwargs.get("margin", 0) self._imageasset = ImageAsset(url, frame, qty, direction, margin) super().__init__(self._imageasset, *args, **kwargs) def _buildAsset(self): return self._imageasset
[docs] def physicalPointTouching(self, ppos): """ Determine if a physical point is considered to be touching point's image. :param tuple(int,int) ppos: Physical screen coordinates. :rtype: boolean :returns: True if touching, False otherwise. """ self.setExtents() # ensure xmin, xmax are correct x, y = ppos return self.xmax >= x >= self.xmin and self.ymax >= y >= self.ymin