Source code for ggame.slider

MathApp input class for accepting user numeric input with a "slider" control.

from ggame.mathapp import MathApp, _MathVisual
from ggame.asset import RectangleAsset, LineStyle, Color
from ggame.sprite import Sprite

[docs] class Slider(_MathVisual): """ Create a 'slider' style numeric input control on the screen. This is a subclass of :class:`~ggame.sprite.Sprite` and :class:`~ggame.mathapp._MathVisual` but most of the inherited members are of little use and are not shown in the documentation. :param \\*args: See below :param \\**kwargs: See below :Required Arguments: * **pos** (*tuple(float,float)*) Screen position of the slider, which may be a literal tuple of floats, or a reference to any object or function that returns or evaluates to a tuple of floats. * **minval** (*float*) The minimum value of the slider * **maxval** (*float*) The maximum value of the slider * **initial** (*float*) The initial value of the slider :Optional Keyword Arguments: * **steps** (*int*) Number of steps between minval and maxval (default 50) * **leftkey** (*str*) Name of a keyboard key that will make the slider control step down (move left) (default None). See :class:`~ggame.event.KeyEvent` for a list of names. * **rightkey** (*str*) Name of a keyboard key that will make the slider control step up (move right) (default None) * **centerkey** (*str*) Name of a keyboard key that will make the slider move to its center position (default None) * **positioning** (*str*) One of 'logical' or 'physical' * **size** (*int*) Width of the slider (in pixels) * **color** (*Color*) Valid :class:`~ggame.asset.Color` object * **style** (*LineStyle*) Valid :class:`~ggame.asset.LineStyle` object Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ """ _posinputsdef = ["pos"] _nonposinputsdef = ["minval", "maxval", "initial"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(RectangleAsset(1, 1), *args, **kwargs) self._val = self._nposinputs.initial() # pylint: disable=no-member self._steps = kwargs.get("steps", 50) self._step = ( self._nposinputs.maxval() # pylint: disable=no-member - self._nposinputs.minval() # pylint: disable=no-member ) / self._steps self._leftctrl = kwargs.get("leftkey", None) self._rightctrl = kwargs.get("rightkey", None) self._centerctrl = kwargs.get("centerkey", None) self.selectable = True # must be after super init! self.strokable = True # this enables grabbing/slideing the thumb self.thumbcaptured = False self._thumbwidth = max(self._stdinputs.width() / 40, 1) self._thumb = Sprite( RectangleAsset( self._thumbwidth, self._stdinputs.size() - 2, LineStyle(1, self._stdinputs.color()), self._stdinputs.color(), ), self._thumbXY(), ) self.touchAsset() if self._leftctrl: MathApp.listenKeyEvent("keydown", self._leftctrl, self._moveLeft) if self._rightctrl: MathApp.listenKeyEvent("keydown", self._rightctrl, self._moveRight) if self._centerctrl: MathApp.listenKeyEvent("keydown", self._centerctrl, self._moveCenter) def _thumbXY(self): minval = self._nposinputs.minval() # pylint: disable=no-member maxval = self._nposinputs.maxval() # pylint: disable=no-member return ( self._spposinputs.pos[0] + (self._val - minval) * (self._sstdinputs.width - self._thumbwidth) / (maxval - minval), self._spposinputs.pos[1] + 1, ) def __call__(self): return self._val @property def value(self): """ Report value of the slider. Attribute is get-able and set-able. """ return self._val @value.setter def value(self, val): self._setval(val) def _buildAsset(self): self._setThumb() return RectangleAsset( self._stdinputs.width(), self._stdinputs.size(),, fill=Color(0, 0), ) def _setThumb(self): self._thumb.position = self._thumbXY()
[docs] def step(self): pass
def _setval(self, val): minval = self._nposinputs.minval() # pylint: disable=no-member maxval = self._nposinputs.maxval() # pylint: disable=no-member if val <= minval: self._val = minval elif val >= maxval: self._val = maxval else: self._val = ( round((val - minval) * self._steps / (maxval - minval)) * self._step + minval ) self._setThumb()
[docs] def increment(self, step): """ Increment the slider value. :param float step: The amount by which the slider control should be adjusted. :returns: None """ self._setval(self._val + step)
[docs] def select(self): super().select() if not self._leftctrl: MathApp.listenKeyEvent("keydown", "left arrow", self._moveLeft) if not self._rightctrl: MathApp.listenKeyEvent("keydown", "right arrow", self._moveRight) MathApp.listenMouseEvent("click", self._mouseClick)
[docs] def unselect(self): super().unselect() try: if not self._leftctrl: MathApp.unlistenKeyEvent("keydown", "left arrow", self._moveLeft) if not self._rightctrl: MathApp.unlistenKeyEvent("keydown", "right arrow", self._moveRight) MathApp.unlistenMouseEvent("click", self._mouseClick) except ValueError: pass
def _mouseClick(self, event): if self.physicalPointTouching((event.x, event.y)): if event.x > self._thumb.x + self._thumbwidth: self._moveRight(event) elif event.x < self._thumb.x: self._moveLeft(event) def _moveLeft(self, _event): self.increment(-self._step) def _moveRight(self, _event): self.increment(self._step) def _moveCenter(self, _event): self._val = (self._snposinputs.minval + self._snposinputs.maxval) / 2 self._setThumb()
[docs] def canstroke(self, ppos): """ Function returns true if the given physical position corresponds with a part of the slider that can be dragged (i.e. the thumb). :param (float,float) ppos: Physical screen coordinates. :return: True if the position represents a draggable part of the control. :rtype: boolean """ return self.physicalPointTouchingThumb(ppos)
[docs] def stroke(self, ppos, pdisp): """ Function performs the action of stroking or click-dragging on the slider control (i.e. dragging the thumb). :param (float, float) ppos: Physical screen coordinates. :param (float, float) pdisp: Physical displacement vector. :return: None """ _ppos = self._spposinputs.pos minval = self._snposinputs.minval maxval = self._snposinputs.maxval xpos = ppos[0] + pdisp[0] self.value = (xpos - _ppos[0]) * ( maxval - minval ) / self._sstdinputs.width + minval
[docs] def physicalPointTouching(self, ppos): _ppos = self._spposinputs.pos return ( ppos[0] >= _ppos[0] and ppos[0] <= _ppos[0] + self._sstdinputs.width and ppos[1] >= _ppos[1] and ppos[1] <= _ppos[1] + self._sstdinputs.size )
[docs] def physicalPointTouchingThumb(self, ppos): """ Determine if a physical screen location is touching the slider "thumb". :param (float, float) ppos: Physical screen coordinates. :returns: True if touching, False otherwise. :rtype: boolean """ thumbpos = self._thumbXY() return ( ppos[0] >= thumbpos[0] and ppos[0] <= thumbpos[0] + self._thumbwidth + 2 and ppos[1] >= thumbpos[1] and ppos[1] <= thumbpos[1] + self._sstdinputs.size - 2 )
[docs] def translate(self, pdisp): pass
[docs] def destroy(self): self._thumb.destroy() super().destroy()