Source code for ggame.timer

MathApp class for creating periodic and timed callbacks.

from ggame.mathapp import MathApp, _MathDynamic

[docs] class Timer(_MathDynamic): """ The Timer class instantiates an object whose basic function is to report the number of seconds since its creation by calling the object as a function with an empty argument list. The Timer class accepts no arguments during creation. Example of use: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._once = [] self._callbacks = {} self._time = 0 self.reset() MathApp.addDynamic(self) # always dynamically defined
[docs] def reset(self): """ Set the reference time to the MathApp current time. If the timer is reset before the app initializes then do nothing. :returns: None """ self._reset = MathApp.time
@property def time(self): """ Attribute is always updated with the number of seconds since the timer was created. """ return self._time @time.setter def time(self, value): pass
[docs] def step(self): nexttimers = [] calllist = [] self._time = MathApp.time - self._reset while self._once and self._once[0][0] <= MathApp.time: tickinfo = self._once.pop(0) if tickinfo[1]: # periodic? nexttimers.append( (tickinfo[1], self._callbacks[tickinfo][0]) ) # delay, callback calllist.append( self._callbacks[tickinfo].pop(0) ) # remove callback and queue it if not self._callbacks[tickinfo]: # if the callback list is empty del self._callbacks[tickinfo] # remove the dictionary entry altogether for tickadd in nexttimers: self.callAfter(tickadd[0], tickadd[1], True) # keep it going for call in calllist: call(self)
[docs] def callAfter(self, delay, callback, periodic=False): """ Set a callback to occur either once or periodically. The callback function should accept a single parameter which will be a reference to the timer object that called it. :param float delay: The number of seconds to wait before executing the callback function :param function callback: The callback function to call on timer expiration :param boolean periodic: Set True if the callback function should be executed periodically :returns: None """ key = (self._time + delay, delay if periodic else 0) self._once.append(key) callbacklist = self._callbacks.get(key, []) callbacklist.append(callback) self._callbacks[key] = callbacklist self._once.sort()
[docs] def callAt(self, calltime, callback): """ Set a callback to occur at a specific time (seconds since the Timer object was created or since its :func:`~ggame.timer.Timer.reset` method was called. :param float time: The time to wait since timer creation or reset before calling the callback function. :param function callback: The callback function to call :returns: None """ self.callAfter(calltime - self._time, callback)
[docs] def callEvery(self, period, callback): """ Set a callback to occur periodically. The callback function should accept a single parameter which will be a reference to the timer object that called it. :param float period: The number of seconds to wait before each execution of the callback function :param function callback: The callback function to call on timer expiration :returns: None """ self.callAfter(period, callback, True)
def __call__(self): return self._time